A. The Parties agree there will be a Labor-Management
Committee (LMC) at each Center, which will meet regularly to
discuss and resolve issues and problems of concern to the Union
and the Agency. Issues to be discussed may include, but are not
limited to, matters covered in this Agreement, such as
grievances, hours of work, and so on.

B. The LMC is one of the mainstays of a healthy labor-management
relationship, and any problems stemming from the
implementation or administration of this Agreement will be
brought before the Committee. The LMC will use a cooperative,
interest-based approach to resolving issues and problems. To
that end, permanent and alternate members of the Committee will
receive training in interest-based, nonadversarial negotiations.
This will build a foundation of trust and understanding, along
with a familiarity with the concepts and methods of reaching
mutually acceptable resolution of issues.

C. The LMC will attempt to come to a speedy resolution of
any complaint, problem, or issue considered. The Committee will
report directly to the Principal Deputy Director at each Center,
and any issue not resolved will be referred to that official for


The LMC will consist of at least six permanent members. The
Labor Relations Officer and the Union President (or their
designees in their absence) will be permanent members.
Alternates will be named to substitute for permanent members when

A. Meetings will be held monthly or as required. Issues to
be considered at the meetings should be shared five workdays
prior to scheduled meetings. A written agenda will be
distributed to members by the Labor Relations Officer and the
Union President at least two workdays prior to the scheduled
meetings. The written agenda will normally include the

1. Issues to be discussed;

2. Names of members or alternates attending;

3. Names of any non-members and/or "experts" invited to
participate in discussions and the issues they will be involved
in; and

4. Time and place of the meeting.


A. An LMC member will be designated as recorder to take
notes during each meeting. He or she will be responsible for
preparing the minutes of the meeting and providing them to the
Union President and the Labor Relations Officer, or their
designee(s), for approval and signature. The minutes will be a
permanent record of the Committee's meetings. Copies of the
minutes will be maintained in the Labor Relation Officer's office
and in the Union's office.

B. A copy of the minutes will be sent to the Principal
Deputy Director of the Center. At the discretion of the
Committee, information and feedback will be provided to Center
managers and bargaining unit employees on any issue considered
during the meetings.