ARTICLE 19 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS SECTION 1 - GENERAL A. We support the objective of assisting employees with personal problems that could affect their job performance. This assistance includes finding treatment for employees and helping them return to full productivity. B. Given this common objective, we agree to work together to promote employee assistance programs designed to assist employees and their families with problems including drug or alcohol abuse, emotional illness, and other personal problems that affect job performance. C. Personal privacy and confidentiality except where excluded by law, must be protected for employees seeking counseling assistance consistent with applicable regulations. This provides for the safeguard of information divulged to a program counselor by an employee. SECTION 2 - UNION-MANAGEMENT COOPERATION We agree to cooperate fully in an attempt to rehabilitate affected employees who accept assistance made available under the provisions of the program. SECTION 3 - USE OF LEAVE UNDER THE PROGRAM A. Employees shall be allowed Administrative Leave, not to exceed a maximum of six hours, as determined necessary by the counselor, and approved by the supervisor, for counseling sessions during the assessment and referral phase of rehabilitation. Absences during duty hours for rehabilitation or treatment must be charged to the appropriate leave category in accordance with leave regulations. Employees attending sessions during duty hours for any phase of rehabilitation must advise their supervisors of scheduled appointments. B. Leave of any type used by an employee for the purpose of seeking counseling under this program may not be used in any adverse or disciplinary action taken against the employee. SECTION 4 - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Employees may voluntarily seek counseling, referral, and information from the program on a confidential basis. B. The confidentiality of medical/counseling records of all employees will be preserved in accordance with the Privacy Act and other applicable laws and regulations. SECTION 5 - MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES A. We recognize that the program is designed to deal with a range of problems at an early stage when the situation is more likely to be correctable. If an employee requests assistance under the program and participates in the program, the responsible supervisory official must weigh this fact in determining appropriate disciplinary and adverse action, should such action become necessary. B. Managers and supervisors should advise employees of the services available in the program. SECTION 6 - PROGRAM TRAINING-UNION PARTICIPATION Union representatives will be invited to attend seminars, workshops, conferences, or training sessions designed to acquaint supervisors, managers, and employees with the Program and its operation. SECTION 7 - PROMOTING THE PROGRAM A. At least once a year, the Agency will make employees aware of the Employee Assistance Program and the services it provides. B. Posters will be posted on official bulletin boards giving information on the program. C. Newly hired employees will receive appropriate Program materials at their DFAS orientation. D. As soon as a change is known in any Program contractor, or any change in the nature of services provided, all affected employees will be notified in writing. SECTION 8 - PROGRAM EVALUATION A. Annually, using procedures developed locally, management and the union will perform a joint review of the effectiveness of the program and make recommendations for improvement, if appropriate. B. Employees will be allowed to confidentially make recommendations for changes to the program.