ARTICLE 42 CONTRACTING OUT SECTION 1 - GENERAL The Agency agrees to meet and confer with the Union regarding any study of a function considered for contracting out which affects employees within the bargaining unit. We agree to comply with all provisions of this Agreement and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations concerning contracting out. SECTION 2 - NOTIFICATION The Agency agrees to inform the Union President after notification to Congress when contemplating the possibility of contracting out work being done by bargaining unit employees. Further, the Agency will keep the Union apprised of the development of the consideration to contract out. SECTION 3 - COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES STUDY The Union will be kept informed on the progress of commercial activities studies of bargaining unit positions. Activities conducting such studies will meet and confer, as frequently as necessary, with the Union while studies are on-going. Briefings will be held with affected bargaining unit employees for the purpose of providing information on contracting out as well as encouraging their input on how to streamline operations. The Union will be given an opportunity to attend such briefings. The Union will also be asked to take part in post-announcement management improvement actions to include improving the in-house organization and recommending information for inclusion in the Performance Work Statement. SECTION 4 - SITE VISITS The Agency will notify the Union when a site visit will be conducted for potential bidders of any function undergoing a commercial activities study which contains bargaining unit employees. A Union representative may attend the "walk through" held for potential bidders. SECTION 5 - INFORMATION The Agency agrees to provide to the Union, upon request, information not prohibited by laws, rules, or regulations concerning commercial activities studies. After the completion of studies, periodic briefings will be held between the Agency and the Union to provide the Union with appropriate information on decisions affecting unit employees. This includes information on decisions to keep the function in-house or to contract it out. The findings and recommendations of the "most efficient organization" management study will be discussed with the Union and affected employees as soon as the information can be released. SECTION 6 -IF THEDECISION IS TO CONTRACT OUT A. We will meet and confer to assess the impact on bargaining unit employees and to minimize any adverse impacts. If unit employees are displaced, the Agency will make every reasonable effort to minimize the impact on employees. Maximum retention of career employees shall be achieved by considering attrition patterns and restricting new hires if needed. B. Employees who are adversely affected by the decision to contract out will be advised of their rights pertaining to the right of first refusal, Reduction-in-Force, and severance pay. C. The Agency will retrain affected career employees, if necessary, when they are reassigned as a result of contracting out. SECTION 7 - RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL We recognize the "right of first refusal" which provides that the contractor will grant applicable DFAS employees, displaced by direct result of contracting out, the right of first refusal of employment openings created by the contractor. Refusing the right of first refusal, because of displacement due to contracting out, shall not deny a bargaining unit employee of any rights he or she might otherwise have under applicable Reduction-in-Force procedures; however, such refusal might affect the employee's entitlement to severance pay.