DATE: April 18th, 2005


Today marked day one of the 30-day meet and confer period for the proposed NSPS. Leading the AFGE NSPS team during the meeting with DoD and OPM were AFGE's General Counsel, Mark Roth, DEFCON Chair, Don Hale, Labor Relations Specialists Terry Rosen and Mark Gibson, along with the rest of the UDWC representatives.

AFGE has committed National staff support to the DEFCON Task Force for this process, and so far has met all our needs. The taskforce will meet daily prior to the meet and confer, and again in the evening for planning purposes.

Management felt that after reading all of your comments, union proposals, and discussion in congressional hearings that they did not wish to re-consider any portion of the proposed regulations. DoD felt that they would not change the proposed regulation based on your comments, that any changes would come through this meet and confer process.

UDWC and DOD agreed that all agreements reached would be memorialized in writing as tentative agreements (TA's).

Talks went as expected – The UDWC conveying their perceptions of a fair and credible system.

Consensus was reached that performance standards would be in writing; a major sticking point with the Unions and Congress; however the details for day to day assignments remain to be discussed.

Today was reassuring in that it is clear, DoD officials are concerned about the perception employees have on this new system. Why? It is because and will continue to be about the message you are educating your members and your communities about. Local's need to understand their part by providing their members with daily updates via newsletters, e-mails or direct them to the AFGE.ORG webpage to stay current. Other resources can be found on AFGEDEFCON.ORG