Comment Number: 05-02582-EREG-155-d7391-c32253
Received: 3/11/2005 9:17:40 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The proposed National Security Personnel System appears to be an obvious attempt by the administration to implement their version of a Backdoor Draft. The Department of Defense (DoD) should not be allowed to involuntarily deploy any portion of its civilian workforce into a war zone. Civilian DoD employees are dedicated patriotic workers who have lives, responsibilities, and personal obligations that extend beyond their duties with the DoD. They are not enlisted military personnel and should not be treated as such. It is interesting that the DoD views the deployment of civilians as the right answer as opposed to using other military personnel or contractors in support roles when, here at home, the DoD is in the process of outsourcing greater numbers of its civilian jobs to contractors. Why is there a double standard?