Comment Number: 05-02582-EREG-198-d7391-c32324
Received: 3/14/2005 8:00:00 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I have been a Federal Employee for 28 years. I am also a veteran. I believe these rules will lead to the destruction of Civil Service as we know it. Most of the Federal Employees in DOD are veterans. We were trained as a team to complete our mission. Everyone on a team contributes to the success of the mission. Under NSPS the team concept will be thrown out the window. I no longer will want to see the members of the team do well. If they do poorly they will only make my work look better. If I have done a complex repair on the aircraft before I can share that information with my co-workers so they will not have to spend hours reviewing repair manuals. Under NSPS I will not want to share that information. If people take a long time looking up repairs I can whisper to my boss how slow they are. Once again if they look bad, I look better by comparison. It will be how we seperate ourselves from our co-workers in our boss's eyes. We might want to change the name to the DOD worker cannible system. People here at Travis are already talking about how they can position themselves in the best light and how they will stop helping members of the team. A Congressman I recently spoke to on this matter said DOD people won't do that. Let's do a reality check here. We all are going to retire at some point in our career. We will have to survive on our HIGH 3 income and live on that for years in our retirement. Don't you think people will do everything to insure that the money available to them in retirement is as much as possible. My rent is going up or my kids want to go to collage, Don't you think I will do anything to make sure that I get every dime I can to pay for those costs. The cost of living in Norther California is very high and people are just scrapping by, they are going to position themselves in the best possible position any way they can to please their boss to get the best pay raise possible and if it means leaving your co-worker behind, then so be it.

People need to have a voice in their workplace. They need to be able to speak up without fear of repraisal. If they see fraud or waste they need to point it out as good guardians of our taxes. If under NSPS your boss has the only say in your pay raise and can let you go at the drop of a hat, how many people do you think will speak up. Fraud , waste and cronyism will be the magic words of the day.

The safe guards that are in place for Fedreal Employees were put in place because the actions of others in the past. Management has been guilty of abuse, discrimination and personal vendettas against employees. They have tried to force their political and religious views on their subordinates. I know that a vast majority of our managers are good people but these safeguards are for the few who need guidlines. Please pull back on these NSPS proposals. Please rethink these proposals and leave some safeguards for workers to get a fair payraise. To have a voice in the workplace. To not always have to look over their shoulders to worry about what their boss or even their co-workers are doing to hurt their carrer. If we don't, I honestly believe that NSPS will be remembered as the beginning of the loss of morale and the potencial of violance in the workplace as we work in a dog eat dog world.

Please do something. I love my job and am very proud to call myself a Federal Employee. I have been doing this since I was 18 years old and many of the people at this facility are like family to me. Do not do away with the team work and guidlines that make this such a successful place. We do not want to weaken the front lines of the defence of this Nation, which are DOD employees!

Thank you for taking the time to review and consider my remarks. I honestly believe NSPS will leave this nation less safe.