Comment Number: 05-02582-EREG-230-d7391-c32376
Received: 3/15/2005 8:00:00 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Docket Number: NSPS-2005-001

A. Pay and Pay Administration--Subpart C, page 7561, Pay Administration, Promotion, bottom left column and top middle column.
B. Part 9901-Department of Defense National Security Personnel System, Subpart C - page 7583, Pay and Pay Administration, Pay Administration, Section 9901.354.

Section Recommending Change:
"Promotion pay increases (from a lower band to a higher band in the same cluster or to a higher band in a different cluster) generally will be a fixed percent of the employee's rate of basic pay or the amount necessary to reach the minimum rate of the higher band, whichever is greater. This amount is roughly equivalent to the value of a promotion to a higher grade within the GS system."

Recommended Change:
Change to read: "Promotion pay increases (from a lower band to a higher band in the same cluster or to a higher band in a different cluster) generally will be a percent of the employee's rate of basic pay or the amount necessary to reach the minimum rate of the higher band. However, management may set the pay increase anywhere within the higher pay band subject to DoD implementing issuances."

As written the two referenced section are not compatible. They really say different things. The change will assure that management has the greatest flexibility in moving highly talented employees to the right place, at the right time, and at the right pay. Of course DoD must develop internal controls to assure that this superb management tool is not abused and subject to review by peers.