Comment Number: EM-001288
Received: 2/24/2005 5:19:21 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The document provided that contains the details of the new personnel system is both long and arduous. I have a few simply points to illustrate. I have to take great exception to the fact that when the NSPS was announced that it was to be developed in concert with the unions inputs. Subsequently, we have heard that no union input was allowed. The drafters of the NPSP do not deny this but go through great pains to state employee representatives were available at meetings. This personnel system doesn't meet the requirements as established by Congress to be a joint project development with the unions. The current personnel system allows for performance awards, i.e., On the Spot Awards, Quality Step Increases, Promotions, Days Off or Compensatory Time. The agency has failed to use these vehicles as performance enhancers. Maybe it is their contention that nobody deserves these awards. If that is so, then why is this new system being developed. It is a "Performance" system. To the lay person, this vehicle appears to lean more toward cronyism than performance. I have had an "Exceeds Fully Successful" rating at the GS-12 level for many years. However my promotion potential has remained relatively constant for at least the last five years. If I can't get any points toward my promotion potential under the current system, I stand absolutely no chance of being included within any of the pools for a performance award. The question is how does a system that grants exceedingly greater latitude to manager help me. Why aren't employees under the current system grandfathered in with the rights under the old system. What is happening is that the contract that I signed is being voided. This is unfair to all those that signed up with the understanding that satisfactory performance would bring about the step and grade increases under the GS schedule. I object to the fact that employees with seniority will not receive any benefits during a RIF. I object to the fact that disciplinary actions involve union activity only after the fact. By the way, there is no appeal after an OPM decision, so what is the point in union representation. Employee rights were obtained over many long years of labor strife that finally made a dent on the consciousness of Congress. This new personnel system totally wipes out any employee rights that were gleaned over these many years. This personnel system simply states that the basic rights of the employee is no longer valued. Hopefully you will take my thoughts into consideration and not exclude them as the union was excluded from input into the development of the new personnel system. All events a cyclical, this personnel system is being developed during an employer friendly environment. One day the cycle will reverse, when it does, future applicants prior to accepting employment will taken account the personnel system that govern their employment. You will find that this new system lack any inviting features to new employees. Prior to finalizing this new personnel system, hopefully you will take into account the many responses such as mine and incorporate or moderate the system to be fair.