Comment Number: EM-001343
Received: 2/28/2005 10:14:32 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


February 28, 2005 DoD NSPS Comments , DoD NSPS Comments: II am writing to express my concerns about the changes to work rule for Department of Defense workers. The proposed new regulations known as the NSPS or the National Security Personnel System deters or changes the present personnel system for DOD workers. The changes proposed are not positive changes for the employee or the DOD. I have worked for DOD for over 20 years and I have seen multiple "reorganizations" that were supposedly to improve performance and economics. The problems that were occurring remain and are fed by the same set of rules. The rules were the 'good ole boy system' which will be enhanced more with the new NSPS system. It gives too much power to the supervisors. These supervisors recommend promotions, and other job benefits, etc. according to their own personal agenda. People were hired without the ability to adequately perform the jobs they were hired to do. Other people are hired simply because it is very evident that these can perform the task assigned. Therefore work is very unfairly or evenly distributed. Promotions are then impacted by apprasials from supervisors who are biased for selective reasons. Personal friendships and family ties become the predominate reasons rather that work performance. Performance apprasials are given out based on how they like you rather than how you perform the job. NSPS hauntingly seems to be some of the same medicine. One individual (supervisor) can alter the entire system of promotions and pay grades. I think the proposed NSPS does not take into considration that the supervisor just might not be the fair, intelligent individual that we would like to think they will be. Sincerely,