Comment Number: EM-023094
Received: 3/15/2005 4:37:19 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


March 15, 2005 DoD NSPS Comments , DoD NSPS Comments: The proposed NSPS violates the collective bargaining rights of all DOD employees as guaranteed by Chapter 71 of title 5 US Code. The Agency certainly has made no compelling case to suspend the rights of DOD workers under the guise of National Security and efficiency. The lengthy history of labor relations in the federal government as a whole as well as DOD validate the concerns DOD workers have in this new system which essentialy turns back the hands of time 75 years to a spoils system. Americas strength in her democracy is worker protections through collective bargaining agreements and workers rights to organize and belong to a union. Workers want a say in their respective work place concerning Safety and Health, terms and conditions of empoyment as well as fair treatment and fear of reprisal. The new system essentialy does away with those legal rights and promotes management knows best philosophy. The unions and collective bargaining is not a threat to the DOD and its mission but rather the reason we have a mission to promote our democracy and freedoms established in the Constitution, Biil of Rights, and established laws.What good is it to promote those principles if they can't apply to our own citizens and workers. I urge you to drop this insane approach to a problem that does not exist and pursue partnerships and strategic inititives that foster ownership and attract and retain a motivated workforce. Self empowerment through teams and a well thought out stated mission, goals and objectives that recognize the employees as principal statke holders will further our Nation Security and enhance the mission and efficiency of DOD. I urge you to think outside the box and revisit organizations who value their employees and bench mark. The workers right to organize and negoiate their collective views is the bedrock of democracy...DOD should promote it now oppose it. The workers are not the problem nor is the management its the senior leadership and a false agenda designed to eliminate a basic right of all employees and citizens. I would like to see from the Secretarys viewpoint what the specific problem are that impact on national security. We know outsourcing jobs to other countries impacts. We know that throwing away OSHA and safety protections impacts. We know no bid contracts and lack of oversight impacts. We know America is sronger when her workers are employes, paid fairly, protected on the job and provided benefits to include health care. We know Agencies and Companies flourish when they tap into workers ideas and give them a say it in how to do the job. DOD cannot afford this expensive mistake and should certainly proceed with any reform in a partnership approach, not a take it or leave it approach. We must start over and proceed as partners in any reform not adversaries, The continued stability of DOD depends on it and we must deliver a unified approach. Sincerely,