Comment Number: OL-10500434
Received: 2/17/2005 9:09:34 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


General Comment from overview. I can't possibly be reading this correctly - will civilian employees of Federal agencies actually be held accountable for their own pay and promotion by occupation and employee skill? I'm stunned. Pay for performance and no more promotions and pay raises based solely on seniority! Imagine that! Funny, these seem to be the same rules that apply to those of us who pay their salaries, unionized or not. This will come as good news to all of those hard working civilian employees who patiently wait in line for salary increases and promotions while a few of their senior, less competent coworkers move up the ladder with no fear of loss of pay, promotion or even their jobs. I'd say these changes are about fifty years overdue and now, let's start similar rules for our elected representatives whose gerrymandering of districts all but assures them of re-election regardless of competency. And, last time I checked, they have no problem in giving themselves raises and benefits far superior to those they represent without input from their employers. Sounds fair.