Comment Number: OL-10500797
Received: 2/22/2005 7:40:38 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Pay and Pay Administration – Subpart C, pg 7560 “The performance payout is a function of the amount of money in the performance pay pool and the number of shares assigned to individual employees.” Concerns – The performance payout is a function of at least one other factor, the number of people in the pay pool. The more people in the pool the less there is available for the pool members irrespective of their shares. So the major concerns are: Will we know the amount of money set aside for our pay pool beforehand? Will we know the number of people in the pool beforehand? If there are 2 people and $10,000 in my pay pool, I stand to do pretty well if I exceed standards. On the other hand, if there is $10,000 and 20-200 people, then I have no chance to do well (financially), irrespective of my performance. As a current GS-12 step 5 (to give a reference point), if I have the potential in my pay pool to earn a $5000 or more annual raise, you’ve got my attention! If I have the potential to earn less than $2000 (which is considerably less than the current average 3% across the board and my WIGI) now you’ve got my ire! If I don’t know this beforehand, there certainly exists the chance that I can massively exceed the standards, yet only receive a token raise. Additionally, what protection does any employee have against money being taken from the pay pool mid-stream?