Comment Number: OL-10501531
Received: 2/25/2005 3:28:11 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


My comments cover most of the sections in the new NSPS system. My most important concerns is the fact that our arbitration rights are being drastically reduced and that the supervisors will be given so much power. The biggest problem now with government employment it that the supervisors make decisions that directly impact employees and they are entirely unfair. This new system will give them even more power to promote their favorites and more power to hamper the lives of their employees that they don't care for even when there is nothing wrong with the employee other than maybe a personality clash. Right now they have the power to give the good appraisals to the best employees and to give the bad appraisals to the bad employees. This doesn't work and eveyone knows it. It is all done on the good old boy system and that will not change. This new system will only make it easier for the supervisors to get by with it. If we don't have the power to arbitate like we have in the past then I predict that the better employees will find other places to work and the bad ones will be the ones that are left. I also predict that the workforce will become extremely cut throat and this will be very apparent every appraisal period. This is bad now but when our livelihood will depend on it I predict that it will become unbearable. The ones that don't do anything are still going to not do anything and now there will be much more fighting among employees and supervisors because so much depends on the appraisal. Before we knew that we would get yearly increases and step raises but with this system the only difference will be that everyone is stabbing everyone else in the back to try to get the appraisal that they need to get a raise. The government is much to large of an agency to be able to pull this off successfully. I also don't understand why there is such a rush to do this. Whatever happened to the grandfather clause. Why can't this be for new employees that can decide if they want to work under these circumstances or not. The government is about to lose a large percentage of their knowledgeable employees because of the baby boomers retiring and of course this will make many of them decide to leave earlier than they planned. We will be needing to replace them with employees that can and will do the jobs. Maybe the standards for hiring should be increased. I know that there are many employees at Tinker that I can't believe were given a job. I also understand that the supervisors will be trained on this new system. Do you know how many trainings that our supervisors have gone through already and they come out just exactly as they were before the trainings. This new system is a disaster and I can't see how it is going to help at all. If President Bush was realy in touch with how the government works then I believe that he would not be supporting this plan at all. The government doesn't and can't work like the civilian work force. Please help us fight to keep this system from ever taking place and if it does take place please start with small areas and test test test. This is a life changing proposal for the government employees that it is affecting and I know for myself all that I can think is that we better be making plans to retire because the back stabbing after this is implemented will not be worth staying around for.