Comment Number: OL-10501623
Received: 2/27/2005 1:44:15 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Comments concerning - Federal Register: February 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 29) Proposed Rules: FR Document 05-2582/NSPS (National Security Personnel System) Page 7560: "DoD will determine the rate range adjustments and local market supplements considering mission requirements, labor market conditions, availability of funds, pay adjustments received by employees in other Federal agencies, allowances and differentials under 5 U.S.C. chapter 59, and other relevant factors. Rate range adjustments and local market supplements may differ by career group, pay schedule, or pay band. The minimum and maximum of a range may be adjusted at different rates. DoD may determine local market areas as well as the timing of these pay adjustments." Where is the transparency? Tell us what you are going to do and stick to it! Anything else is prevarication. Excellence is rewarded promptly, not when or if you get around to it. "The NSPS system will use pay pools to manage, control, and distribute performance-based pay increases and bonuses." This not only limits employee pay, but also delays rewards for an outstanding effort. "In addition, the proposed regulations allow DoD to establish ``control points'' or other mechanisms within a band, beyond which basic pay increases may be granted only for meeting criteria established by DoD. An example of such a control point is a requirement for the employee to have achieved the highest performance rating." This is another design to limit or at least slow the increase of pay of employees. If an employee is consist in inproving performance, this "control point - speed bump" can and will limit employees pay and the rate in which this employee can rise in NSPS.