Comment Number: OL-10502120
Received: 3/1/2005 8:15:48 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The entire system is filled with holes. But here's the main problem I see: a supervisor decides he/she doesn't like someone, so he gives an average or poor rating and the employee NEVER gets a raise for a job well done. I've been there, done that or rather, had it done to me. I can see it now -- my boss does not like me, we have a personality conflict, nonetheless, I do my job, I do it well (been told so by many peers), I come in early, stay late, working on projects to get the job done. The boss is always complaining, nothing is ever good enough, nothing is ever the right answer (yes it is, he just won't admit it). The same resolution provided by anyone else gets recognized as good work but not if it comes from me first. I've NEVER had a boss treat me and act towards me as he does. I know without doubt that my rating under this new system will not be written in a manner to get a raise in pay. The boss doesn't like me and he doesn't have to write anything above the average or above low remarks. The ratings will be written so that I cannot present them to a prospective new boss (for a promotion into another job). This is a system built on the Good Ol' Boys and that's who will be rewarded, those who Kiss Up and are pets of the supervisor, and those people are not necesarily the best working, self-starting employees. If SecDef is trying to get rid of civil servants, he's doing a good job. And who will be the real loser? The citizens of the United States. Not much good gets done when Kisser Uppers and Yes men/ women are the employees getting good/ superb ratings (and pay raises), because there is no diversity in their thought processes for resolution of problems and conditions...the old Iraq is proof of that (you know, government buddy-buddies well paid and living well while the rest of the citizens were living poorly). The NSPS is a BIG MISTAKE, leave the current system alone!