Comment Number: OL-10502190
Received: 3/1/2005 10:49:39 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


After working in a DEMO of the proposed new Personnel system I can tell you the system is great if You want to create a system where: 1: SES and upper Managers have power and act little Saddam Hussein’s in the respective departments, Bad for IRAQ, but apparently good for DOD employees. 2. First line supervisors routine rate the employees base on friendship, and outside activities and may have based an extremely high rating on sexual favors (rumored not know as a fact), not on performance of the employee being rated. The problem with a 100% or totally merit based system, in the DOD. There are too many Jobs, that are important to safely and defense of the country the just require being done correctly and in timely matter and are better preformed by normal workers, and the country would not be well served to have federal a super achiever trying to “improve the system”. While testing the improvement many bad things could happen include lost of life. The second problem is that Managers and supervisors do not have the training needed to fairly administer a system this complex. Combine this with fact few if any employee safe guards included in the system. The third problem and most important is the DOD needs employees who will speak up and keep the system honest. This system will gives a Managers and supervisors the power discourage and prevent this from happening. Remember this system was developed by folks who hired and promoted Darleen Druyun, the principal deputy assistant secretary for Air Force acquisition and management from 1993 to 2002. Before she went to jail.