Comment Number: OL-10502229
Received: 3/1/2005 12:25:05 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Pay/Compensation - As an employee who spent 20 plus years in the warehouses of a Depot I have witnessed first hand how the award system affects the morale of the employees. New proposal to give pay raises based on performance will severely impact the workload currently being processed on a daily basis. Team work is a key factor in accomplishing the mission for the warfighters/armed services. This will promote individualism as never seen before. Management is not capable of awarding performance without implementing the "Good ole boy" system as it has time and again. NO amount of training for management will erase this problem. Fairness to the employees will never be accomplished and steady workers will suffer. Current system for entry level employees is a good one. After a certain amount of time if performance is acceptable and training completed, the higher grade is awarded. Supervisor level pay raise should be cut, not the "worker bees" pay. Without the workers, management ceases to exist and the warfighters/servicemen suffer. Management cannot handle it's responsibilities and does not manage morale at the present time, what makes anyone think this will improve? If it doesn't improve drastically, there is absolutely no chance of these proposals ever accomplishing anything but chaos. Perhaps management should be re-vamped before any of these proposals are implemented.