Comment Number: OL-10502263
Received: 3/1/2005 2:04:06 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The people that can not make the current system work are going to be in the position to make the NSPS system work - a supervisor under the current system will be a supervisor under the NSPS system. In my 33.5 years I have only had 3 supervisors that cared enough to provide constructive evaluations - why would anyone think this will change? Additionally, this was to be a $50M cost and yet there has been $5M allotted...and it's still suposed to work. This is nothing more than a cost cutting measure - make everyone the same then award some with a bonus - but this will reduce retirement costs....