Comment Number: OL-10502288
Received: 3/1/2005 2:34:17 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The entire NSPS program, all sections and all paragraphs. This NSPS program is the most anti-American, anti-Working Class action performed by this administration. I consider it only a right wing union busting action, restoring patronage to the Federal sector and turning the clock back 100 years on labor relations. NSPS will give rise to favoritism in the workplace, and thereby reduce the morale of the workforce. Summary firings can now be made on trumped up allegations. Bonuses and payoffs can be made in the name of superlative performance.These things are more of a threat to national security than is collective bargaining. DOWN WITH NSPS! DOWN WITH THE RIGHT WING UNION BUSTING AGENDA! I'm proud to be UNION, proud to live in a Blue State, and proud to support the Troops - most of whom are working class themselves.