Comment Number: OL-10502307
Received: 3/1/2005 3:13:31 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am opposed to this gutting of the existing Federal Personnel System. The existing system works well. Specific incremental changes are always possible and needed. A whole new system, with all new employees coming into it with a clear understanding of what's involved is also possible. I have four years until retirement and this new system is an affront to me. To help your understanding, I will give a few examples. First, because we have been asked to be flexible over the last ten years I am one of many who have been moved about to fill-in as needed in various technical areas. Those who have not been moved about and 'protected' have more years experience, and knowledge in the areas they work in. Under this new system, I will be punished, and they will be rewarded. Secondly, most front-line managers are untrained, and have very poor people skills. Their sole qualification for the job is ambition to make more money. Very few have any idea what is needed to do a better job. You can't impliment this new system without having management that does not have a bare minimum of leadership skills or training. Here is an example. Several of us were told on a Tuesday that we would be detailed TDY off-station for six months - leaving that Friday. We got the Union involved to sit down and talk with the managers. They were furious but agreed to, and made it plain this action would be remembered. The Union Rep pointed out that two weeks notice has been a good rule of thumb for an individual to put their affairs in order, so we compomised and were granted one week to prepare. Secondly, the Rep pointed out that we knew we could be detailed for 4 months, but six months called for something else, so the managers ageed to three months, a trip home, and three more months. Finally, the Rep pointed out that management required an on-site supervisor because there were 12 of us, and by managements own rules - required a supervisor to go as well. That ended the meeting and our required TDY. Once they were informed that one of them would have to go for six months a miracle occured. A work around was developed, and no on had to go. These are the exact same managers who will be given the gun you intend on handing them. They lack people skills, leadership training, and even a basic understanding of what we do. The work force will riot. We are protected from these idiots now only by the decades of wisdom worked out in the work place between Union and management. This new system will create fear and distrust. How much more flexibility could DOD need? I've been sent away for four months already. My pay is below average as an engineer now. I'm a 'good-deal' by any cost comparision with private companies. I'm to be short-changed even more to save money? I chose to work for the Navy because I wanted to work for the 'Arsenal of Democracy'. The Navy's never 'turned a profit'. We do what is best for the Navy, cost be damned. Don't do this to the Federal work force. Please.