Comment Number: OL-10502472
Received: 3/2/2005 9:26:38 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


From what I'm hearing and reading about the proposed system, it looks like the civilian world is being put back into the old military APR/EPR/OPR rating systems. These systems became a writing exercise, and many a military career was ruined because of poor writing or personality conflicts. Also, most jobs do have a few additional duties, which could be sabotaged by somebody wanting the extra money this duty could add. Some bases could have limited pool money, and a few "overrated" individuals will make the rest of us suffer. There may also be pressure from the higher ranks to reduce pay for all, despite what was written. And we STILL haven't seen any pay bands! If the lower end of the pay band is 10 to 20 thousand dollars less that what I'm currently making, then one bad "CPR" (civilian performance report) could drop me $10,000 to $20,000 in a year! That's a real reason to stay here! Longevity no longer has a meaning. A fast-burning new hire could make more than an average employee with 15 years experience. What incentive does the older employee have to work harder? Add to all of this the loss of LOCAL union representation, it now becomes harder to fight bad ratings. I might have to fight the same supervisors that gave me the bad rating, possibly hurting my next "CPR".