Comment Number: OL-10502476
Received: 3/2/2005 9:39:38 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I find it interesting that the elected leaders have and do always find fault with the working class. It is apparent that we don’t share the same roots. After all we are the grease for the machine. It seems to me that every year they drag their feet when it is time to pass a budget for operational costs and our cost of living increases. How do you think they will handle pay under the new system? Better think of what’s in it for them. I don’t hang with people in income brackets that aren’t on the 1040 table I see every year. However I believe those people takes us to war, pound the drum, and cut veterans benefits in the same breath. They cater to big business and anyone whom will let them into their pockets. I have also noted that they have historically changed retirement systems in a divide and conquer type method. Ask a retired railroad worker or any other person retired from a different government retirement system. Smaller numbers are easier to silence. This has provided a means to rob the working class of their retirement. It takes about ten years for an economic recovery. They created the FERS system to divide the CSRS system. However they keep the CSRS system for themselves. That FERS monies artificially inflated the stock market. They produce percentages of gain without supporting documentation. They used Arthur Anderson to handle the accounts. The market went far passed rationale exuberance. Then Allen Greenspan started raising the interest rates saying he was concerned about consumer dept. Accounting scams next thing. Hey, how long has accounting been around and how many ways can you do it. Where are all the experts. Next they wanted to put active service members into FERS. Now they want the whole country in FERS. Question is if the market was too high before then where are you to put the monies of today. Well there are growth companies in foreign markets. Umm. They display a work ethic of we work for them and are thus expendable. Again they propose a vast idea with half vast processes and like always it excludes them. I see conflicts of interest in letting private concerns drive manufacturing for war efforts. I see less collaborations among government workers when there is greed and job security as a motivator. Why would a person whom has work experience, whom might need all he can earn in his later years share that information. Do you think a mentoring process will work under those conditions. Did I hear a drum. Unlike the leaders who put us in these situation we will have to adapt scruples alike them and form alliances in groups and perform cutthroat type operations on others all while supporting our troops. Bartering at the expense of the troops. Can you believe all these distractions that our leaders provide us. You would think that the war in Iraq, social security, jobs, the market, schools, health care, and changes in supply management that would be enough. Kind of reminds of the Wizard of OZ. Don’t pay any attention to that man behind the curtains. You know the personal system today has not been kind to me. The saving grace was that management was not playing fair and did poorly in using the tools that were available to them. They in turn did do me any favors. I doubt that the new system will be an improvement. Yet another distraction. At least I could have looked forward to my step increases and a cost of living increase. The step increases are just about to stop and they were far a few between. I worry about just how far they will go. My guess as far as you let them.