Comment Number: OL-10502477
Received: 3/2/2005 9:44:27 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


1. Reference part 9901.211 and 9901.212. Comment: The job series in the USAF HQ AMC, 2150, Air Transportaion Specialist, that require rated experience as a pilot or navigator, and requires a Top Secret security clearance should be a unique pay series. The pay series should cover the current GS 13-14 level. Rationale: This is a unique job skills requirement that is difficult to fill below the GS-13 level. Another factor is that once in this position, in order to get a promotion to the GS-14, one must move on to another position that does not require the same expertise. This makes it difficult to insure long term stabitliy in these critical positions and causes highly skilled and experienced workers to leave for better paying positions. The job duties of this position requires the individual to work issues with joint commands at the GS 13-15 (Major-Col) level. 2. Reference subpart 9901.405. Comment: There needs to be mandatory training required for all supervisors, including military supervisors, before they can assume the duties of supervision. Rationals: Military supervision of civilians is a problem due to the high turn over of military supervisors who have little or no experience with the civilian system. 3. Reference subpart 9901.341. Comment: Leave or time off award should be part of the performance based pay system. Make the civilian leave system equitable with other private sector works standards. An experienced worker who comes to work with the federal government should be given credit for previous work experience in order to start at a higher leave accrual rate. This should make the total benefit and pay package a negotiation tool for the hiring supervisor. Rationale: Make the system flexible, responsive, and competitive.