Comment Number: OL-10502484
Received: 3/2/2005 9:58:23 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


For what little my comments are worth, I simply wish to add that I feel this whole NSPS system is unjust and unconstitutional. It does not protect nor afford people their rights for union grievance purposes, it simply strips the union of it's power. This NSPS is simply a union buster, that is my rational in stating that it is unconstitutional in its broad scope. This NSPS will promote more problems in other ways, it will bring back and promote the (Good-Ole-Boy) system, where you will have the managers for the most part promoting their friends over other competent and worthy people. You will see more racial problems when you have a manager of one race promoting/compensating one of his friends or someone of the same race over a just as competent co-worker who just happens to be of another color. I foresee also a major problem relating to gender, ie was he or she promoted/compensated because of his/her gender over somone else. With the implementation of NSPS and over time when you have more disgruntled and dis-enfranchised people collectively world-wide affected by managers inept decisions based on the fact that they will feel all powerful with the unions in effect rendered powerless. The old saying "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely will eventually come into play" more and more. I foresee this causing severe management and morale problems which will have a devastating effect on mission readiness in the not to distance future if this system is implemented. I feel strongly that this decision to implement NSPS was shortsighted and ego driven. In my humble opinion these decision-makers care little if anything at all about us hard working and dedicated Civil Servants. I wish to thank you for allowing me to take the time to voice my opinion concerning this extremely important issue that will affect us all for generations to come. Let me add that I hope and pray that clearer heads prevail and this system not be implemented in the form that is currently advertised. Yes the civil service system had not had any majors changes in quite some time, but it wasn't broke. It may have required some modification but this wholesale change of it's total structure is not the way to go. I proudly submit my comments to you for public record, this is the American Way and especially after serving this country proudly as a military man and retiring honorably I feel that our voices should be heard loud and clear. Again thank you for your time.