Comment Number: OL-10502505
Received: 3/2/2005 10:46:24 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am a fairly new employee with a considerable amount of education. My degrees are in the business environment and I welcome the Pay for Performance but there are number of observations I have made which will hamper this type of process and they are as follows: 1. Currently a number of people are paid to chat and interfere with actual job performance. Based on observation in my area the government gets about 2.5 hours of work for 8 hours of pay. 2. The immediate manager has a most favored individuals group and every one else is out of the communication loop. 3. Skills of my immediate manager is lacking severely and he has NO desire to improve his management skills. The manager's job was filled with a technical achiever and he has NO people skills. Without the proper people skills how can you expect Pay for Performance to work fairly and effectively. 4. The new hiring policy is to hire individuals with a degree or degrees but placing them under people who are intimidated by their education is counter productive to your hiring process and the government’s improvement plan. 5. High achievers who come to work for the government are held back and prevented in performing at their top capacity. 6. The Biggest problem I see, is the “good ole boys system is alive and well” until the real desire is to actually make improve from the top-down this is just window dressing with more power in the wrong hands to hamper streamlining the government’s work environment.