Comment Number: OL-10502506
Received: 3/2/2005 10:49:55 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


It is apparent that the people who deemed this to be an improvement in the pay system have never worked in the real government world. Presently I work at a base that is in spiral 1, and with the present system I see women win awards and get promotions not because of what they do, but because of the way they dress and flirt with the bosses. This is a primarily all male organization. With the new system these women will get even more because the bosses can’t see beyond their dress and actions. I realize that at the level of most law makers they don’t have to deal with this, but down in the trenches people who work hard and don’t lie about what they have done don’t get rewarded. Since the same people doing the awards now will be doing them with the new system, the same people will get them and the others will be left out. At least with the present system you have a date that you know you will be rewarded no matter how little. I realize the ones that don’t work also get rewarded, but that isn’t as bad as never getting anything for your work. There is no way to get rid of the problem without removing some of the older supervisors. I am vary much opposed to the new system and feel like this is just a useless act in voicing my comments, the government will do what they want and again the views and morale of the employees is of no concern.