Comment Number: OL-10502517
Received: 3/2/2005 11:21:26 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Yesterday the Deputy Assistant of the Navy for Civlian Human Resources, Patricia Adams held a "town meeting" in Portsmouth,VA The questions were raised but not answered. These questions concerned: 1) Why there was no union representation at this meeting 2) How will the panel that decides on which employee will get a raise or performance award will be selected 3) It was stated that the "pool" of money for these raises/awards could run out and thus, some employees would not receive their raises. Is this true? 4) Currently, our supervisors are military physicians who have no idea how the current Federal civil service system of pay grades, step increases, etc. functions. Will these supervisors be required to attend training for the new system? 5) It was stated that after the evaluation of the employee is completed, the final decision will be made by a panel. How will these members be selected?