Comment Number: OL-10502521
Received: 3/2/2005 11:28:40 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Not impressed that the new system will provide any value or benefits to employees or the supervisors, for the government YES. The Pay pool for bonuses will never be big enough to truely pay people what they are worth. Small organizations will be greatly impacted by the very limited pools, just as they are now. Supervisors of small organizations that have handpicked the very best employees will now have two camps of employees, the pet employees and all the rest. You are going to see the destruction of what employee morale we supervisors have been able to develop and rise of backstabbing and undercutting different employees by the different groups. Any hope for continuation of team spirit and action is gone. It is every person for their self. The new policy talks about equal treatment of military and civilians, for assignments and duty responsiblity, it is never going to happen, look at current pay differences and other areas, like military housing allowance in Washington DC, civilian do not get it. They have done it to the civilians again.The government has never done anything to help the employees--CSRS gone-- GM rating gone-- FERS-- now NSPS!!!! Each one of these were failures because of limited funds, none commitment to follow the rules under that system, and a need of the government to save money. The governmant can hire tens of thousands of contractors at $200,000 a year labor rate and higher, doing the very same job as the civil service person they replaced, but we can't pay our civilians a reasonable salary, so we keep coming up with new ways to do our civilians in. The government does a great job talking about commentment and the need of employees to do more and more with less, but they will not deliever when it comes to what can we do to help our employees. In conclusion, pardon the expression -- We Are Screwed Again. It is time to retire! Thank you for this chance to respond, I am sure my comments will not be considered, but you have them anyway.