Comment Number: OL-10502533
Received: 3/2/2005 11:40:21 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Proposed NSPS: Performance Mgt: It's stated that performance and not longevity will determine pay increases/performance awards. Under the current system regarding step increases a person must have a fully successful and above rating. Myself and others look forward to our increases (mine are three yrs apart now) and we are doing our jobs successfully and are not considered poor performers. Supervisors can already block step increases if people are not performing their jobs. Many of us know from past experiences that some supervisors have favorites and that is bad enough. Under the new system it sounds like the supervisors that have favorites may also put them in for performance awards whether they are truly deserving or not and withhold increases to people that are doing a good to excellent job and are not goof offs. Since not all supervisors are fair to certain people and don't always give a benefit of the doubt when it's needed, there needs to be some kind of restrictions and oversight for management personnel. Most of the problems in my organization are with lower management and not with the majority of workers. Some people that receive awards are well deserving, but there are many that receive and/or are promoted to higher grades and are not was who they new and who liked them. Panal interviews are a prime example. Many well and more deserving people have been over-looked because of this reason. I have over 26 years service and have just about seen it all. I highly stress that the above mentioned facts be taken into account when revamping the perfomance system. Thankyou for your time and assistance in this matter.