Comment Number: OL-10502566
Received: 3/2/2005 12:41:10 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Performance Management. Little will be accomplished in the improvement of Performance Ratings without a substantial re-work of the rating system. The current 1 - 9 performance levels provide little or no information on the true quality of the ratee. Because of rating inflation, everyone fully expects and genterally receives a 'firewall 9' rating. To be rated 'Far Above Fully Successful' (8) is somehow considered by many to inidcate a serious failing on the part of the ratee. Proposed Solution: Using the 1 - 9 rating levels why not require that the 'Fully Successful' employee be rated a '5'. Any deviation from that number either up or down should require a specific number of bullets or paragraphs in support of the deviation.. This procedure would put an immediate end to the inflation that exists in the system and allow supervisors the opportunity to truely recognize our outstanding performers through the rating system. A 'firewall 9' rating in such a system would ineed have some meaning. In fact a 7 or 8 rating would be recognized for the value that it should have.