Comment Number: OL-10502567
Received: 3/2/2005 12:41:20 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


In my 36 years with the Corps of Engineers I have seen a rapid disintegration of the organization over the last 10 to 15 years starting with General Ballard. We are becoming more and more inefficient with each new incentive or process. I spend more and more of my time chasing charge nos., pushing useless paperwork and less and less time doing work. If we would have kept the old structure and processes we would be a lot more efficient with our present computer technologies, provided we downside personnel as the technology developed. We didn’t! We just converted productive work to book keeping and time consuming useless tasks. Our secretaries are now timekeepers. Our technical mangers and supervisors are now resource mangers, personnel administrators and accountants. With the new pay band system they will also have to be lawyers. There will be still more wasted time and more inefficiency. The old system has no real flaws. You don’t have to give step increases to poor performers, you don’t have to promote people, and you don’t have to give awards. On the other hand you can give good people QSI and you can promote people; so why a new system? If it is such a good idea to fit employees in a few pay bands why isn’t the military divided up the same way. Lieutenants 1 & 2, Captains and Majors could be in one band then all the Colonels and Generals in another. Then when they get on the battlefield they can vote on what to do. The damage that has been done in the last 10 to 15 years will cost the tax payers billions upon billions in inefficiencies. I am just glad that I can retire at anytime.