Comment Number: OL-10502571
Received: 3/2/2005 12:55:57 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I just attended one of the NSPS Town Hall meetings and one of the main problems discussed was accountability. How can an employee be guaranteed a fair evaluation? Part of that answer is to have a standard survey/questionaire for each supervisor to fill out of which the metrics could be computed for a numerical grade. The questions on this questionaire could be similar to the complex government surveys that basically ask the same question 5 different ways to weed out your true feelings and remove bias. The other part of the answer is to have certain elements of all supervisor's evaluations be completed by the employees who work for them, as long as the supervisor is a civilian also. This would foster great teamwork. The only problem is with a command, like mine, that has military supervisors of civilians. To be fair, you would have to allow these these civilians to have input on their military supervisor's fit-rep (doubt that would fly). Military and civilians are two different cultures and harbor alot of bias between them. I speak from experience. Although many military supervisors act like normal people, some act like arrogant untouchables. Military supervisors would somehow have to be held accountable for civilian evaluations.