Comment Number: OL-10502956
Received: 3/3/2005 2:24:06 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


To whom it may concern: I am extremely concerned that: 1) This NSPS system, (which is nothing more than a complete overhaul of the current personnel system), is being shoved down the Civil Service Workers throats as having to do with "National Security" ! Just how dumb do you think the workforce is anyway ??? 2) I am a current supervisor working at Tinker AFB. While it's true that reform is needed. I feel that you are increasing the already extreme burden of managing employees to a point where I doubt you'll find many to replace those in supervision when we are gone. Having to explain every period and comma on an appraisal is bad enough, having my actions micro-scoped by the employee concerning every appraisal that crosses the desk, for approximately 18-19 employees, will no doubt do nothing but frustrate myself, along with every other employee. Many of whom are very loyal and dependable employees. 3) Until you get rid of a rating system that places a "numerical" value on an employee, we will always have dissention on how ratings should be handled. It's time you listened to supervision, instead of treating us like something you wipe from your shoe. 4) Try convincing the average employee this is going to be a better system. Trust me, you won't find one employee who agrees with you. I KNOW, BECAUSE I'VE TRIED !! Yes we need reform; yes we'd like to have it now. However, making the first line supervisor's job harder is not the way. I've been to the briefings, not one of you can explain the ramifications adequately to satisfy myself, nor my fellow supervisors. All you an do is taut how great it is. (Without it even being sucessfullly implemented in the FAA arena.) Before it's too late, try another approach. By the way, I've been a Supervisor at Tinker for about 8 years now. Is it time that I looked for another job ?