Comment Number: OL-10502966
Received: 3/3/2005 2:48:13 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


After having read various facets of this proposed system, and before I even took some time to read the many comments submitted by my fellow government workers, I strongly submit that this entire "bucket of worms" be trashed. It is truly difficult to believe that the politicians and those in senior leadership have no compunction or conscience in attempting to foist this miserable excuse for a personnel system upon its employees; which makes one wonder just how much genuine planning went in to this system. It could not have been very much, because 99% of the comments are against versus in favor of this system. Golly gee, what does that tell you? In reading through the proposals it automatically places an employee on the defensive and has one believing that, once again, the government is going to ram this down our throats and the people be damned. So much for the demo- cratic process. I'm eligible to retire this year, and after 42 years, it is totally incomprehensible that the so called leaders in government would even consider perpetrating this dastardly deed upon its people. I honestly feel sorry for anyone who would even consider government service if this system is implemented.