Comment Number: OL-10503086
Received: 3/4/2005 4:08:56 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I have been working for DOD for over 33 years and have worked for 30 or more supervisors. My job has changed very little during this time. I have advanced to the position of a work leader, but for the most part I do the same job I have always done. The question then is why have I had so many supervisors? I work on an Air Force Base that is run by active duty Air Force. They come and go like the weather changes. They seem to have no training or understanding of how to supervise civil service employees. When they take charge, we know that for the first month, you better watch your pay statements because something as simple as filling out a time card will blow their mind! The civil service rules that are in place now, took years to develope and many battles where won to make it a just system. No it is not perfect but it does work. If the supervisor that I have now was given all the power that this new system would give him, how you did your job would be the last thing looked at to determine how much you got paid. The good old boy system would be alive and well. If you where his buddy, you get the pay. Why do you think they have promotion testing in the Air Force? Lets not forget all these new rules would blow his mind. He would look for the easy way out. We have problems now as simple as having paper towls in the bathroom and soap to wash our hands with, that take weeks to solve and now you want to give them control of how to pay me!!!