Comment Number: OL-10503112
Received: 3/4/2005 8:38:27 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


This is just another in a series of tightening control measures to micro-manage the labor force. Greater control over every aspect of human existence in order to turn the work force into an army of indistinguishable robots with only one religion, that of the Company.The message is clear, conform in all areas of your existence or be exterminated from the work force. Mr. Secretary, you are arrogant and egotistical and your primary mission is absolute control. And your motivation is self and your aim is money and power. Not just personal fortune but control over public funds thereby control over the lives and prosperity of others. You really subscribe to the Army of One - YOU!