Comment Number: OL-10503500
Received: 3/6/2005 7:43:36 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


"Comments on Proposed NSPS Regulations - RIN 3206 - AK76/0790 - AH82." Evolution is a good thing; Reincarnation always produces an unknown element. Why does this administration look to reincarnate our federal workers system rather than target it’s weakness for improvement? All of the key personnel are in place for negotiations for improvement and I say all parties have the same goal of protecting America and its peoples. Perhaps this administration prefers to dictate rather than negotiate change. I am skeptical of the new NSPS proposal and feel at best it will contain more flaws than the current system and worse probably abuse many patriotic federal workers that have dedicated the greater part of their life to federal service. Our government has a track record for turning a deaf ear to those that give the most and ask the least, only coming around when the American people rise up and demand recognition i.e... The WWII memorial, compensation for Vietnam troops exposed to Agent Orange. If the NSPS system is put into law then I propose a memorial for all Federal Workers that served under the current system as they most definitely will be the next casualties of war. In fear of the American Kingdom, Mr. Gary L Brown GS-8 Ret. Msgt. USAF