Comment Number: OL-10503796
Received: 3/7/2005 3:49:28 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


You're not fooling anybody. The whole country knows these are only union busting privatization tactacs designed to take care of retired high ranking civilian and military officials and their companies thus destroying the civil service system. Homeland Security should never have been created. The "government" merely needs to enforce existing laws. Rumsfeld and his fellow conspiritors need to be replaced NOW. They bring shame to the Republican party and make President Bush appear just as anti-american as they are and no longer worthy of respect from true Americans. Using the victums of 9-11 to perpetuate personnel agenda's is arrogance and condescension at it's worst. It is a major "slap in the face" to dedicated civil servants and military alike. We can only wonder what other "deals" are being made by un-elected officials behind closed doors while the nation is focused on the war in Iraq. Take care of America first...not Rumsfeld first!