Comment Number: OL-10504544
Received: 3/9/2005 4:36:36 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I have a couple of concerns: 1. I have been having problems with my supervisor, I had to take action and go to EEO and Employee Relations, now this person that I filed a complaint against is going to decide whether or not I get a pay raise? I feel I should take it to heart, that no pay increases are in my future. 2. Trying to self nominate for another job is terrible, it's always been who you know, not what you know. If we go with NSPS, you can rest assured that a friend of a friend family member will get a job before I do. Where is the fairness in that? Several job opening right now are for extrenal, it is not fair that they can hire from the outside before trying to hire within, this is a slap in the face, why don't they just look us in the face and say, you are not worthy and you won't be promoted anytime soon. EEO will be very busy. 3. What if my Supervisor is in a bad mood when it come time to decide who gets a pay increase, he could have family issues, money issues, and takes them out on us. 4. Every year taxes increase, cost of living goes up, and our health insurance goes up also, if I not selected for a pay increase, I will lose alot of money, having to some how make up the difference for lose of pay. 5. If there is 10 people in my area and only 7 get a pay increase, what are the others going to feel, I know I would feel hurt and would be bitter towards my supervisor and fellow co-worker, why should I do this or that when they are getting paid more than me? The word TEAMWORK would fly out of the office. 6. What if I don't have time to volunteer for other things, like retirement or additional duties that would be looked at for my chances of a pay increase. 7. What if an employee has a loved one that is terminally ill, and is at work, trying very hard to do his job, but is not 100%, and he doesn't get a pay increase. 8. Do we have any say so on who would evaluate us?, I don't want my supervisor to, especially after I turned him in. 9. Job Classifications- how do additional duties come to play with those. 10. I feel that if you press on with this, it's going to come down to who takes the boss out to lunch the most, who buys him the biggest and best birthday gift, Christmas gift, who kiss his butt better. Everyone will be back-stabbing eachother trying to get their little "look at me" digs in there to be noticed. 11. My vote is NO, you have no right to take my rights from me.