Comment Number: OL-10505612
Received: 3/10/2005 7:32:37 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


the proposed NSPS regulations once implemented will do two things, one give whoever is in power, more power. two, will handicap the DODs ability to accomplish the agency's mission. Didn't we learn anything yet about contracting out?? I have 23 years in the DOD and I have been proud of the job I did. I used to be a very diligent hard worker, note used to be, i have dropped the diligent.. Now I come in do job and go home. I was brought up to be proud of my country, its people and trust in our govt. Still do. I made a suggestion to my supervisor on our financial kitty fund. It caused a supervisor to be counseled for not tracking it. The concept to be helpful the outcome,: told I should have kept my mouth shut. The good ole boy network is alive and well. I began to be verbally harassed, in front of others, it was no big deal, I complained about the harassment, it got worse. Then blown off by my chain of command. Then it became physical, oh you need a back rub, oh your neck looks tite. Let me rub it. I was a wreck, my father wrote to my congresswoman who immed issed a congresional. The perp was offered early buy-out$25,000. due to retire in a year anyway. To keep my job I had to sign a paper stating that they did good. (we received complimentary American Flags that have been flown over the capitol. )Wow, just when I thought it was safe, they moved my position to another office, his girlfriend became my boss. She even followed me to the bathroom and timed me. (For the couple of years I worked for her and was the subject of harassment. Playing mind games, was told I would lose my job if I failed my training in a mandatory military courier course. (I'm admin,clerical, typing) (On my homefront I was harassed by an ex-husband who failed to kidnap my kids and the police and courts have me going to shelters for protection. I needed a good supervisor. I didn't have one. I did have a union rep. I couldnt complain about the personal things, only that I was working hard and being given poor appraisals. He baby sat me, (union rocks) . The system, has lots of mind games and the union told me to just keep plugging away, ignore and do my job. It took a long time, was even removed from being my supervisor but did get her way downsizing, PPP. A new job, in a position where I bumped someone else who was promised my new job. I was told previous appraisal, I did not deserve, I refused to sign, he downgraded it... more. abuses from managers..Again, playing needless mind games, you need to retire, your handicapped, (found out my old/new boss are on the (same Federal Govt Board.) they meet monthly/quarterly. I have 23 years in I am raising 2 children alone, you will probably take them if you need them to go into combat, they would go for you. My trust in the new NSPS system is NO......ZERO....Please DELAY implementation, until proper steps are taken to effectively involve the elected representatives of DOD workers. I trust the union they protected me. My old boss, still works down the street, was a GS 3 (1989) and is a GS 12 Manager now. I am a GS 5 Secretary,(2005) I was a GS 6 secretary in 1989, (I cling to a job). I have two kids (proud citizens). Chester Arthur was my childrens great great great great great grandfather and he would be appalled at the new system, and ask why??? Management - THere is a better way, handicapped, race, diverse workers, should be able to appeal any performance rating thru grievance and arbitration process as they can do now. please Do not change the current layoff/RIF rules, which give balanced credit to performance and the employees' valuable years of committed service. I am handicapped, I should retire, but I cant afford to, I work hard. Takin it 1 day at a time,