Comment Number: OL-10505846
Received: 3/11/2005 9:08:21 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Unfortunatly this is just TYPICAL Gov't crap. The old pay system worked but had flaws as most plans do. but it was working and typically the GOV'T wants to change it and Break it. I would find this laughable, if it wasn't true. We were told of this with only 12 days to respond. we were given a master outline with NO DETAILS and then told to comment or complain. It is just a smokescreen. 1. the Gov't has no money to support Bush's war. so take away all the raises to pay for it. It did say in the outline that the ELECTED WOULD NOT BE SUBJECT TO THIS PLAN. 2. The power hungry can't get elected, Rumsfeld, so he comes up with this idiotic plan to look good and push his way to the top. SAVING MONEY WILL GET YOU FAR. 3. The military is being killed off at a horrific rate in the war, since there arn't enough recruits, this (ALL IN THE DETAILS) plan includes deployable assets US the workers. 4. The plan can't be pushed thru with the unions in the way.. (IN THE DETAILS) GET RID OF UNIONS. I have worked for the Navy for 17 yrs. I AM NOT IN THE NAVY. I am not about to be shoved somewhere to fill a power hungry idiot's dream. I am not UNION because I don't make enough money to pay the dues, but I do think we do need them. I f this plan ever shows us the details, maybe there is a checks and balances detail but I doubt it. I don't think the poor supervisors should be forced to play the game, and promote, give bonus's or raises to those who suck up. There is a 10 thousand percent chance of that happening with this IDIOTIC PLAN. LASTLY what will happen to the actual GOV'T with a mojority of the support staff, not talking the big high number GS ratings, but the lower graded support staff, if they are forced to choose-- stay in the Gov't with no real shot at a raise, or leave and go on welfare. WHO WINS IN THE SAVE THE BUCK RACE THEN? and Mr. Rumsfeld, who will make your coffee, drive you to your meetings, and do all your real work for you if they are forced to quit due to lack of income? THIS PLAN STINKS. DETAILS OR NOT. maybe in Corporate world this might work- but this is A GOV'T PLAN and we know THAT WILL NOT WORK!!!! I SAY ENOUGH OF THE CURRENT GOV'T.. remember who though this up and VOTE THEM OUT. (OOOPS OUR VOTES DON'T COUNT) We need to go back to a GOV'T that this country was founded on WE THE PEOPLE not WE THE CORPORATE PEOPLE. WE NEED TO STOP THIS PLAN.