Comment Number: OL-10506228
Received: 3/11/2005 1:00:25 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Based on the Labor Relations synopsis provided on the NSPS webpage, it doesn't appear that the proposed NSPS preserves the collective bargaining rights of its employees. NSPS requires management to consider union views and recommendations but agreement is not required. This is a shame since my collective bargaining unit (CBU) has worked effectively with management to develop an excellent collective bargaining agreement (CBA) that promotes management/employee unity. After reading the NSPS it appears that the current CBA may be dismantled. I believe that it is important for the NSPS committee to provide information on what will happen to existing CBAs. Also, the NSPS website mentions focus groups. As far as I know, I was never given an opprotunity by my oragnization to participate in a focus group. I'm somewhat skeptical about the focus group input since I never heard about focus groups being used in this process and I don't even know of anyone in our organization being asked to participate in these focus groups. The NSPS has a slim chance of surviving if input was not obtained from a cross-section of the participants. Overall, I'm all for improving the current personnel management process since there are several areas, such as evaluating job performance, that need changing. Since this will be a significant change to the way we manage our human resources, it is paramount that we do not rush into this new system without obtaining input from all personnel and ensuring that all the changes are communicated effectively through a comprehensive training program. In my opinion, 30 days was insufficient time to review the system and provide meaningful feedback. 60 - 90 days would have been much better. I will look forward to teaming with management to ensure that this system works and leads to an effective working environment that hires and maintains excellent federal employees.