Comment Number: OL-10506814
Received: 3/13/2005 11:10:04 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Basic Pay(Subpart C); Classification (Subpart B); Staffing and Work conditions (Subpart E) After 25+ years of government service I'm convinced that the more I learn the less I know and I'm absolutely certain of few things in life. How- ever, in regard to the proposed changes of the National Security Personnel System , I'm certain they will have deleterious effect on the Department of Veterans Affairs resulting in substandard health care for our veterans. For instance, performance based-pay without a precise definition of what "good performance" is, will result in a significant in- crease in ill-trained and incompetent professional and non-professional personnel. The latter occurs today despite job standards, however,this will compound the problem by sanctioning and/or institutionalizing promotions based on favoritism rather than professional standards. Secondly, placing staffing and work conditions entirely in the hands of management without the input of employees in the particular service will result in a lack of cost effectiveness and decline in the quality of care being provided to veterans today because the above ill-trained and incompetent personnel above, although well meaning, will make unrealistic decisions. cisions.