Comment Number: OL-10506819
Received: 3/13/2005 11:51:41 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Comments on National Security Personnel System Regulations RIN 3206-AK76/0790-AH82 9901.341 Performance Based Pay 9901.341 9901.342 Performance Payouts 9901.342 9901.409 Rating and Rewarding Performance 9901.344(a)(2) extraordinary pay increases To the extent the proposed regulations result in any type of mandatory ranking or bell curve, to the detriment of hardworking employees, I am not in favor of the rules. While some employees may do very well under the system, I believe that many employees will be hurt by it. I am not talking about poor performers. I am talking about competent, hard working employees who do the best they can and still cannot earn the salary increases and bonuses. It is my understanding that employees will be rated, in part, on a bell curve. There will be a limited amount of bonus/performance award funds in the pool. That means that when some employees get bonuses or grade increases, others will get a very small increase or none at all, even though they are working above the standards or expected level of performance. The cost of living adjustment will be removed under the new regulations. There is no guarantee or expectation that employees, if they do their jobs competently, will be able to make up for the lost cost of living increases. Many employees will have to stay longer at work and take on extra “bonus worthy” projects in an attempt to achieve a bonus or higher pay. At some point, constant work becomes detrimental to the health and welfare of the employee and on the employee’s family. Also, the constant competition could lead to poor morale and discouragement. The poor morale among the workforce and the reluctance to share ideas and to work problems together would likely lead to overall poorer performance and stagnation. Section 9901-342(b)(4) It appears that employees at the top of their payband, particularly those who are currently GS 15,’s will have no way to move up and increase their pay. Without the cost of living increases, they will actually be losing money even though their performance is excellent. Section 9901.342(b)(4) It also appears that the regulations may lead to the increased use of bonuses rather than pay increases. This will adversely affect people’s retirement.