Comment Number: OL-10506844
Received: 3/13/2005 4:10:35 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I write to express my concerns about changes to work rulesin the DoD. The proposed regulations, known as NSPS,were printed in the Fedral Register on February14, 2005. This message will be sent to both DoD and my representatives in Congress. I am angry that these proposals treat the employees who help defend our country as the enemy. Mistreating the employees will hurt the agency's mission and I am very upset that this is what NSPS does. NSPS destroys objectivity in the way workers are paie, evaluated, promoted, fired, scheduled and treated by creating a system in which federal managers are influenced by favortism. Under the General Schedule, employee pay is funded by Congress and cannot be taken away. However, NSPS will take away this certainty. With the new patronage pay system, which DoD calls "pay for performance," the amount of a worker's salary will depend almost completely on the personal judgment of his or her manager. There is no guarantee that even the best workers will receive a pay raise, or that the pay offered will be fair or competitive. This system will create a situation in which workers are afraid to speak out about harassment, violations of the law and workplace safety. It will also mean that abusive managers could harass employess with bad schedules or short notice. Overtime rotations can be canceled, which means that employees may not be able to plan adequately for childcare and other important responsiblities. America is at war. We are fighting for democracy abroad, but these regulations are an attack on workers' basic rights. Futermaore, NSPS will divert the atttention of defense workers from the soldiers' welfare to protecting themselves from abuse on the job. I urge you to force DoD to rethink this proposal .