Comment Number: OL-10506848
Received: 3/13/2005 4:39:27 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Gentlemen, Where is the problem with the existing system? It has served us well through several wars and into the present fabricated confrontation. It is apparent that the purpose is to open the Government to preferential placement of contractors. As the manager of a government test lab I was able to save $25k yearly on my budget by dropping the contractor and hiring the employees into the Government. One needs only to take a look at the contractors who have benefitted greatly from this latest conflict. That Mr. Rumsfeld had the gall to rewrite the Ethics training required of gov't. employees and attach his name to it, considering the obvious conflict of interest he and Mr. Cheney have ignored, speaks thoroughly of the NSPS intent. Turn the DOD over to the likes of Haliburton, Bechtel, Lockheed, Raytheon, etc. To do so requires a commensurate personnel system which treats employees as pure numbers and plug-in parts repaceable om almost a whim. As a veteran who served during the Vietnam conflict and having worked for both a contractor and a now the government I am aware of and know the abuse that can result from the contracting process and this NSPS sets up the government for a fleecing unlike any ever seen. Meanwhile those who do the work will see their protections eroded, as will happen with the new labor relations due to take effect in July, while the implementation of the NSPS will be the capstone on such an effort. This NSPS is a sham orchestrated to legitimize the ever increasing, and not necessarily beneficial, growth of private control of governmental functions. Respectfully, Walt Boober Stewrad NAGE 1-134