Comment Number: OL-10506881
Received: 3/13/2005 6:58:50 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am not in favor of the proposed NSPS system. As a senior employee with 30 years service, I envision the new Spoils system as a tool for management to discriminate against older employees, or anyone who is not on their list of preferred employees. This can be done by reassignment to undesireable locations or jobs, as well as withholding raises. These raises are also in question since we were never afforded the raise that was supposed to be given under the Federal Pay Comparability Act. It is always an Emergency so the raises are not what they should be. There is no doubt that under the new system, all raises and bonuses would be subject to this criteria and be diminished or not issued at all due to insufficient funds or emergency. It is unfair to have one person solely control our destiny, as would be the case. Would this person be an immediate supervisor or someone hundreds of miles away whom you have never met and doesn't have the vaguest idea what you do? The new system which ignores seniority is discriminatory and unacceptable. The NSPS will promote abuse, inequity and unfairness and discourage teamwork. As a senior employee, why would I want to help someone with whom I would be competing? Civilian personnel should also not be subject to job transfers outside of their local commuting area. We have families and homes and places in our community. We cannot be expected to pull up stakes and move to another state or country just because there is nobody qualified locally. Loosen up the hiring process. There are many unemployed folks who would welcome the opportunity for government service if given the chance. I also feel that any NEW system should be phased in with new employees, like was done with FERS, and not subject current employees to an unfair and biased system which diminishes their seniority and job retention rights.It is clear that the actions proposed by NSPS far exceed those envisioned by Congress, and were not negotiated in good faith with union leadership.