Comment Number: OL-10507397
Received: 3/14/2005 10:44:01 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am very concerned with the Total Force concept. The FAQ's state that ... "We have attempted for years to create a Total Force perspective, and NSPS will emphasize this, as employees will see their own performance goals closely aligned with their organization's objectives. NSPS gives employees both the need and the opportunity to understand and be contributors to those objectives. It also properly rewards employees based on their achievement of those goals." I am concerned that I will be compensated less if I am not willing to be deployed overseas. I am a DOD Civilian. I am not military. I am willing and able to support our troops, but I am not willing to leave my family, or move them. We have roots, a community, etc. This is a significant concern. I am concerned that the proposed changes do not clearly address how the current system of performance-based awards will be affected. I am concerned that this system will lead to favoritism and therefore result in a decline in the morale of the workforce. The proposed changes do not clearly state how this obvious drawback will be addressed, other than to state in general terms that it will be addressed through supervisor training. We need more specifics on this. It is not clear what safeguards are in place to address inequities arising from supervisors who are generous" in one part of the organization and supervisors who are "stingy" in another part of the organization. I am concerned that the current annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) will not continue. This annual adjustment helps to keep pace with annual cost of living increases whaich we all experience. These costs include increased cost of health insurance, food, electricity, heat, etc. The proposed changes do not include a certain annual cost of living adjustment, only a "periodic rate range adjustment". Tha is not the same thing, and the potential exists for the periodic adjustement to be less than annual, and less than the current COLA's.