Comment Number: OL-10507406
Received: 3/14/2005 10:49:20 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Are we under "Dictatorship"? Just in case you are wondering- we might as well be. What ever happen to the voice of the people? Seems as though it vanished over time. NSPS is something Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld put in place- because he is not getting enough people to volunteer for military service anymore. Now he wants civilian within the Department of Defense to go to these hostile areas without any say. For all you Vets out there - you better take heed to this situation, and respond to this NSPS. Next question - If you take away the Vet preference – wouldn’t this affect the Vets in Iraq, and other Vets in the near future? I don't think they will be getting jobs within DOD if Vet preferences are taken away. Vets for many years were protected from RIFs, and had hiring rights – according to NSPS these rights will be null and void. I will close by asking - How will you protect the Vets that are now serving in Iraq once they get out and start applying for jobs within DOD or any branch of government for that matter? From my assessment – they will not be able to get jobs using Vet preferences, so is that fair to those soldiers that are out there fighting for our country? How will this affect the wage grade (WG) work force?