Comment Number: OL-10507462
Received: 3/14/2005 11:21:43 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am a GS employee with the US Army Corps of Engineers, in Los Angeles. Our current pay structure (GS) has a different salary structure for engineers vs non engineers. Historical salary tables have a higher salary for engineers. The salary tables for engineers vs non-engineers converged at the GS-12, step 10 level. In other words, both salary tables have the same rate of pay at GS-12, step 10 levels. However, each year for the past several years, the salary tables have converged not at the GS-12, step 10 positions, but is being pushed back a few steps each year. The current pay rate salary tables converge at GS-12, step 1 at which all employees (non engineers and engineers) are on the same pay schedule. Since we are the CORPS OF ENGINEERS, and due to the higher salaries in the private sector, engineer salaries should remain higher than non engineers. Why? non engineers are not educated or trained to hold engineering positions, however engineers are qualified for most other positions. This makes engineers more valuable to the Corps of Engineers and salaries need to reflect this. Performance based or not, it is unfair to measure an engineers performance against that of other positions and salaries should be higher.